After the teeth are completely lost, there will be a need to put a full denture in the mouth, as it is an ideal solution that performs all the functions that the teeth used to perform, such as chewing and showing the exits of wars when speaking, etc. A denture is manufactured that is suitable… Continue reading Removable denture .. its advantages and disadvantages
Tag: dental treatments in Istanbul
Types of dental fillings and features of each
When tooth decay occurs, the patient immediately goes to a specialist doctor in order to rectify the matter and fix the defect, and the doctor digs out the damaged tooth and replaces the place of damage with a temporary filling, and later it becomes permanent, and this is what almost everyone knows, but did you… Continue reading Types of dental fillings and features of each
Types of orthodontics in Istanbul and their features
[ez-toc] Istanbul is visited by many people around the world, in order to install orthodontics, as it is characterized by providing high quality, high privileges, and specialized doctors, as this city has witnessed many developments in the medical field in recent times. In this article, you will learn about the most important types of orthodontics… Continue reading Types of orthodontics in Istanbul and their features