The best ways to treat tooth decay in children at home

تسوس الأسنان عند الأطفال

Tooth decay in children is a common problem that affects oral health and causes a lot of pain and discomfort, as treating tooth decay can be expensive and time-consuming, but there are many effective home methods that can help mitigate the effects of tooth decay and improve dental health and in this article, we will… Continue reading The best ways to treat tooth decay in children at home

Causes of tooth decay in children: influencing factors and prevention tips

تسوس الأسنان عند الأطفال

Tooth decay in children is one of the common problems that many children face and this is because the outer layer that covers children’s teeth, known as enamel, is less thick and hard compared to that of adults, making them more vulnerable to the risk of tooth decay, as baby teeth help children speak and… Continue reading Causes of tooth decay in children: influencing factors and prevention tips

Dry mouth: its causes, effects, and how to get rid of it

جفاف الفم

Dry mouth is one of the common problems that many people may face in their daily lives, and although it may not seem like a big problem at first, if left untreated it may lead to negative effects on the health of the mouth and the body in general, as dry mouth causes a decrease… Continue reading Dry mouth: its causes, effects, and how to get rid of it

Benefits you don’t know about using mouthwash

استخدام غسول الفم

Oral health care is an integral part of daily personal care, and one of the important healthy habits is using mouthwash as part of your oral care routine, as mouthwash is a valuable addition to cleaning the mouth and enhancing the overall health of the teeth and gums. In this article, we’ll examine the importance… Continue reading Benefits you don’t know about using mouthwash

Animated Hollywood smile..advantages and disadvantages

Have you heard about the animated Hollywood smile? It is one of the famous procedures that lead you to gain a bright white smile, but is it safe? What are its advantages? Does it have many negative aspects as it is said? Between its pros and cons, you will be confused whether to take that… Continue reading Animated Hollywood smile..advantages and disadvantages