
December 19, 2022 obesity surgery in Turkey

One of the common questions asked by some people revolves around whether there are any risks in performing operations to get rid of excess weight. Recently, these procedures have become very common and widespread among those who suffer from obesity.

In addition, these operations have many positive aspects that also have many negative aspects that must be taken into account, and this is what we will talk about in this article.


Disadvantages of excess weight loss operations

Yes, there are risks associated with weight loss procedures and as with any operation, there is a risk of infection or other complications that may arise as a result of the surgery and there is also the possibility of adverse reactions to anesthesia, which may be used during some procedures. Other potential risks include malnutrition, gallstones and the development of Hernia In addition to the physical risks associated with this type of procedure, there are also psychological risks involved, such as depression or body image problems. It is important for any individual considering weight loss surgery to discuss all potential risks with their healthcare provider before making a decision.


Is sleeve gastrectomy an ideal solution to get rid of obesity?

Sleeve gastrectomy is a popular bariatric surgery option for those looking to lose excess weight. It is a minimally invasive procedure with 4 or 5 incisions of approximately 1.5 cm in size. It reduces the size of the stomach, reduces hunger and helps patients feel full faster, while gastric sleeve It can be an effective way to lose weight. It should not be seen as a quick fix for obesity and should only be used after other weight loss methods have failed. Patients should still commit to long-term lifestyle changes in order to ensure the best results.


Gastric balloon pros and cons

The gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss procedure that involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach via endoscopy. The balloon is then filled with saline to take up space in the stomach and help reduce hunger cravings. It can be an effective weight loss method, but like any treatment, there are advantages. There are drawbacks to consider before deciding if this method is right for you.

 The advantages of the gastric balloon include faster initial weight loss, shorter recovery time, and no need for surgery or incisions. On the other hand, there are some potential risks associated with this procedure such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. In addition, gastric balloons do not provide long-term results and require follow-up visits. Regular consultation with the doctor, and its results vary according to the nature of each person’s body.


Excess liposuction – advantages and disadvantages

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help reduce stubborn fat deposits, as it can be used to reshape and sculpt the body for a more toned appearance. While liposuction may seem like the perfect solution to many, it does come with some advantages and disadvantages.

 On the plus side, liposuction is safe when performed correctly and can provide dramatic results in a relatively short period of time. However, there are potential risks such as infection, scarring, and nerve damage. In addition, excess liposuction can lead to lumpy or disfigured results if done. Removing too much fat from one area of ​​the body and to ensure the best results, it is important to consult an experienced surgeon before proceeding with this type of procedure.

Abdominal liposuction in Turkey

The need to lose weight to maintain health

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall health, as carrying too much body fat increases your risk of serious health problems. Being overweight can increase your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, and other diseases.

 Eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise can help you lose excess weight and maintain a healthy weight. When combined with lifestyle changes such as reducing stress and quitting smoking, you can reduce your risk of developing difficult diseases.


The appropriate diet for a fit, consistent body

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is the best way to stay slim and maintain your weight. Eating foods that are low in calories, yet rich in nutrients, is the key to success. Include fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals. Include lean proteins like chicken, fish, or eggs in your meals. Whole grains like oats are great sources of complex carbohydrates that provide long-lasting energy throughout the day while keeping you full for longer. In addition to these nutritious food groups, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. To keep your body hydrated.


Do children become overweight?

Yes, children can become overweight for a variety of reasons. Poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, and some medical conditions are all possible causes of childhood obesity.

 It is important to ensure that children maintain a healthy weight by eating a well-balanced diet and taking regular exercise. In addition, parents should be aware of any underlying medical causes and treat them as soon as possible to help reduce the risk of their children becoming overweight.


Turkey is the best country for bariatric surgeries

Turkey is quickly becoming known as one of the best countries in the field of bariatric surgery thanks to its highly skilled doctors and surgeons, advanced medical facilities and technology, and competitively priced treatments. In addition, the country is home to a number of dedicated bariatric centers that specialize in providing care and support. Top notch for those seeking weight loss surgery and with such benefits, it is no wonder why Turkey has become a prime destination for those looking to get bariatric surgery abroad.


Follow our website constantly and learn about the most important topics related to cosmetic treatments in Turkey. If you want to get a free diagnosis, do not hesitate to contact our medical staff at Blue Medical, so that they can answer your various questions and provide you with appropriate solutions for your condition.

With Blue Medical clinic in Turkey:

with many years of experience.. Blue Medical clinic provides great care for your dental treatment , where our clinic can provide you with the best dental treatment available as our specialist team has high skills and experience in all fields of dentistry and cosmetic dentistry and the best orthodontics , we offer a wide range of services, From basic dental cleanings and check-ups to more complex procedures such as root canals , we also offer aesthetic medicine services such as teeth whitening and dental veneers.

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December 19, 2022 obesity surgery in Turkey

Today, many people suffer from the problem of overweight and obesity, and it is a real problem that requires a solution without waiting because its negative dimensions are many, especially on health, and it may be the reason for the emergence of many diseases in the body, but in your opinion, what are the reasons that lead to a state of excess weight? How do you get rid of them? Are surgical procedures safe?


Causes of obesity

Obesity is a growing problem in many countries around the world, and there are many factors that contribute to this problem, one of the most important of which is an unhealthy diet, which can include processed foods that are high in calories and fats, as well as eating more calories In addition, lack of physical activity can also lead to weight gain, as regular exercise helps burn any excess calories and fat.

Stress can also be a contributing factor to obesity, as when people are under a lot of stress, they tend to eat comfort foods that are high in sugar and fat. Finally, genes can play a role in obesity as well, as some people have Willingness to gain weight more easily than others.


How to avoid obesity and excess weight?

Obesity and overweight can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes. Eating a well-balanced diet, full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy lean proteins is essential to maintaining a healthy weight.

In addition, it is important to limit your intake of processed foods, saturated fats, and added sugars. Regular physical activity is also important for controlling a healthy weight, so try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

 If you are having trouble sticking to your exercise plan, try breaking it into smaller bouts of physical activity throughout the day. Finally, it is important to get enough sleep each night. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and avoid using mobile phone and computer screens beforehand. shortly.


Health risks of being overweight

Being overweight increases your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. It also puts extra stress on your joints, leading to osteoporosis. Furthermore, being overweight can increase your risk of mental health problems such as depression. Overweight individuals may also suffer from low self-esteem, so the issue has psychological dimensions.


The right food to keep fit

Eating a well-balanced diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy lean proteins and other nutrient-dense foods will provide the energy and nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy and active. Eating the right food can help us reach our fitness goals such as losing weight, or Body coordination, or muscle building.

Healthy snacks such as nuts, fruits or vegetables with natural peanut butter, yogurt with fresh berries, or whole grain crackers with hummus are great options to keep us energized between meals.


Are surgeries a safe solution to get rid of obesity?

When it comes to the question of whether surgeries are the safe solution to get rid of obesity, the answer is yes. According to a recent study, bariatric surgeries have been shown to be an effective and safe way to reduce weight and improve overall health. This type of surgery has been found not only to reduce body weight. But also reduces obesity-related risks such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

 The study also found that those who underwent surgery had a change in their lives for the better and a decrease in the need for medication. Thus, it can be concluded that bariatric surgery can be a safe and effective solution.

Obesity operations in Turkey

Who is most at risk of obesity?

Recent research has shown that some demographics are more likely to be obese than others and data indicates that women and people of low socioeconomic status living in the southern United States are more likely to be obese.

As for the level of the Arab world, the Arab Gulf region is famous for obesity cases because of the habits followed in eating and focusing on meat and carbohydrates

 Women are especially at risk, with more than 37% of American women age 20 or older considered to have it. People of low socioeconomic status, especially those living in poverty, are more likely to suffer from obesity due to lack of access to food, health and exercise opportunities.


The most famous surgeries to get rid of obesity

Bariatric surgery is one of the most common and successful methods of treatment. This type of surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach, which helps reduce calorie intake. It also changes the anatomy of the digestive system, which helps patients feel full faster and reduces cravings.

 Bariatric surgery has been found to be an effective option for those looking to lose significant amounts of weight and improve their overall health. In addition, this procedure is generally safe, with minimal risks of complications or adverse effects. It is important to note that this type of surgery requires a long-term commitment to healthy lifestyle changes in order to maintain results.


Advantages of bariatric surgery in Turkey

Not only can patients benefit from the expertise of highly trained and experienced surgeons, but the cost of bariatric surgery in Turkey is much lower than in many other countries, making it an attractive option for those looking for an affordable solution.

 Moreover, with the availability of modern medical technologies, Turkish bariatric surgeons are able to provide safe and effective treatments with minimal risks. In addition, post-operative care is of the highest quality, ensuring that patients receive all the necessary support they need to ensure a successful recovery.

Learn about other topics related to health and the world of beauty in Turkey by constantly visiting our website, where we monitor various and varied aspects that interest you in answer to your questions.


With Blue Medical clinic in Turkey:

with many years of experience.. Blue Medical clinic provides great care for your dental treatment , where our clinic can provide you with the best dental treatment available as our specialist team has high skills and experience in all fields of dentistry and cosmetic dentistry and the best orthodontics , we offer a wide range of services, From basic dental cleanings and check-ups to more complex procedures such as root canals , we also offer aesthetic medicine services such as teeth whitening and dental veneers.

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December 16, 2022 obesity surgery in Turkey

Do you suffer from the problem of excess weight? Have you thought about performing sleeve gastrectomy in Istanbul in light of the development in this field? Do you think that this procedure is followed by many complications and repercussions on the patient’s health condition?

If you have any questions or inquiries about sleeve gastrectomy, follow this article with us, which was prepared by the editorial team at Blue Medical Center.


What do you know about sleeve gastrectomy in Istanbul?

When it comes to weight loss surgery, Istanbul is a great choice for international patients as the city offers world-class medical care at affordable prices and is home to hundreds of experienced surgeons who specialize in sleeve gastrectomy and this procedure has become increasingly popular due to its effectiveness in achieving long-term weight loss. With minimal risk of complications.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves reducing the size of the stomach by removing part of its outer wall. This helps reduce hunger and fullness signals from the stomach, resulting in less food intake and thus promoting weight loss over time.

A smaller stomach also reduces the amount of calories absorbed from food, which aids in weight loss. In addition, this process helps improve obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, making it an ideal choice for those looking to get better. 


Side effects of sleeve gastrectomy

The most common side effect of sleeve gastrectomy is malnutrition. This occurs due to a reduction in the size of the stomach, which limits the amount of food an individual can eat in one sitting and thus reduces the intake of nutrients. In addition, due to changes in the digestive system, some may not be absorbed. vitamins and minerals as effectively as before surgery and for a certain period after surgery, leading to further deficiencies.

Another possible side effect of sleeve gastrectomy is vomiting or reflux caused by overeating. Since there is less stomach capacity after surgery, overeating can cause food and stomach acid to back up into the throat, leading to nausea or even vomiting.


Conditions for gastric sleeve surgery

There are certain conditions that must be met before the procedure is considered safe, including the following:

– The patient must be at least 18 years old and have a body mass index of 35 or higher.

– The patient must have tried conventional weight loss methods for at least six months without success, including dietary changes and exercise.

– The patient must understand the risks associated with this surgery and agree to follow all of the doctor’s post-operative instructions.

– The patient must commit to continuous lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise after surgery in order to maintain the results in the long term.

– The procedure also carries some potential risks and complications that should be discussed in depth with your doctor before undergoing the surgery. These may include infections, blood clots, and gallstones.


How long does the sleeve gastrectomy process take?

 This procedure is usually done laparoscopically, which means that it is performed through several small incisions of 1-2 cm in size using specialized instruments. On average, the entire procedure takes between half to an hour to complete depending on the health of the individual and any complications that may arise during the procedure. Surgery The gastric sleeve recovery time can vary from person to person, but most people can go home within a day or two after surgery and resume normal activities within two weeks.


Diet after sleeve gastrectomy

Here are some tips on following an ideal diet after gastric sleeve:

– You won’t be able to eat regular meals right away, so start with liquids and pureed foods and gradually progress to small, easily digestible meals as tolerated.

– Protein is essential for recovery and maintaining muscle mass, so make sure you get plenty of lean protein like eggs, fish, and chicken.

– Sugar can interfere with the healing process after surgery, so try to avoid sugary snacks and drinks as much as possible.

– Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help your body heal faster.

– Vitamin deficiencies can occur after bariatric surgery due to changes in diet, so talk to your doctor about taking a daily multivitamin supplement to prevent nutrient deficiencies and improve recovery time afterward.


Is sleeve gastrectomy suitable for all cases?

Sleeve gastrectomy is a popular and effective weight loss procedure and can be suitable for many people. However, it is not suitable for everyone and your doctor will evaluate your individual situation to determine if this surgery is the best option for you.

Your doctor will consider factors such as your age, health history, BMI and lifestyle before recommending this procedure as this assessment will help them determine if you are a good candidate for gastric sleeve surgery or if another form of bariatric surgery is more appropriate.

Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle modifications and dietary changes in addition to surgery if they think it will be beneficial to your long-term health and weight-loss goals.

Before making any decisions, be sure to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of gastric sleeve compared to other bariatric surgeries so you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you.


Is sleeve gastrectomy in Istanbul expensive?

Sleeve gastrectomy cost can vary greatly depending on the clinic and surgeon you choose, but when you compare it to other countries like UK, USA or Germany, the cost is much more affordable and on average, you can expect to pay around $3000 – $5000 this includes pre-operative tests and follow-up visits with your doctor.


For more information about the cosmetic procedures offered by the Blue Medical Center in Turkey, contact us to provide you with all the details that concern you and to accompany you on your treatment journey from the beginning step until you are fully recovered.


With Blue Medical clinic in Turkey:

with many years of experience.. Blue Medical clinic provides great care for your dental treatment , where our clinic can provide you with the best dental treatment available as our specialist team has high skills and experience in all fields of dentistry and cosmetic dentistry and the best orthodontics , we offer a wide range of services, From basic dental cleanings and check-ups to more complex procedures such as root canals , we also offer aesthetic medicine services such as teeth whitening and dental veneers.

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